Riverbank Elementary Home

A 4K class on a nature walk.
A student excitedly wearing a fireman's hat.
5 Students stand infront of the book vending machines holding their books.
Two fifth grade students are guest reading to 4K students.
A fourth grade class stands together to show their red clothes for Red Ribbon Week.
sea turtle mascot
Welcome Back!
Riverbank Elementary

Latest News

NEW VIDEO: Why I Choose Lex2

Whether you're a student or an employee, Lexington Two makes you feel welcome. Listen to our employees talk about being part of the Lexington Two community
Ryan Van Omen of BCHS talks about why he chooses to work in Lexington Two

Lexington Two changing bus communication app for families

The new parent communication app, My Ride K-12, will replace Traversa. You will need to download the new app to access updated transportation information for your Lexington Two student(s) beginning May 1. Read the details and get instructions here
Photo of words School Bus
David Sims, Principal

Principal's Message

Welcome back Sea Turtles and new families and students to Riverbank!  We are over a thousand students strong at this time with room to grow.  We have mastered our arrivals and dismissal procedures to greatly improve their efficiency.  I would like to take credit for it but time is the teacher here.  Thank you for your patience and time. 
The students are thriving and our teachers are doing a fantastic job establishing relationships and classroom procedures.  How can you stay in touch with the teacher and the learning happenings in the classroom?  Class Dojo is the tool for this.  It is simple to use and all of our teachers use it to update parents. 
As we navigate the school year, COVID-19 is still impacting our school.  We monitor confirmed cases and quarantines.  You can help us by notifying the nurses of positive tests or exposures from home.  Please do not send a student to school while you are awaiting test results.  It is best to keep them home until you have the results.  We will work through this challenge by following COVID procedures and guidelines provided for us.  Our goal is to teach the children and remain safe under the current circumstances. 
Please make sure the device we are sending home is working and make sure you are supervising your child while they are using the device.  We will use remote learning if it becomes necessary.
Principal David Sims

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