Policies and Procedures
The board believes that attendance is a key factor in student achievement. Any student who misses school must provide a written excuse signed by his/her parent within 10 school days after the student has returned to school. If a student fails to bring a valid excuse, their absence will remain unexcused. The principal of each school will approve or disapprove any student’s absences in excess of three (3) days for a 45 day course, five (5) days for a 90 day course, or ten (10) days for a 180 day course, in unique circumstances.
Lawful absences are those necessitated by:
- Illness of a student that may endanger his/her health or the health of others. Extended illness of a student that is verified in writing by a licensed medical practitioner.
- Appointment with a physician, dentist, or other recognized licensed/certified medical practitioner.
- Serious illness or death in the student’s immediate family.
- Appearance in court or an appointment with a legal officer.
- Participation in school-related activities with prior approval by the principal.
- Participation in a recognized holiday of the student’s faith.
- Extenuating circumstances when approved by the principal.
The district will consider students unlawfully absent under the following circumstances:
- They are willfully absent from school without the knowledge of a parent or legal guardian.
- They are absent without acceptable cause with the knowledge of a parent or legal guardian.
- The student is suspended from school. Suspension days, which are counted as unexcused absences, will be so counted for purposes of determining credit only. Suspension days will not be counted as unlawful absences for purpose of the state compulsory attendance law.
Any student who misses school must present a written excuse, signed by the parent. According to state law, a child is considered truant if they have 3 consecutive unlawful absences or a total of 5 unlawful absences. Once a student becomes truant, the district is required to develop a written intervention plan with the parent/guardian.
Certain laws and regulations govern the operation of school buses. Transportation by school buses will be provided for those students living one and one-half miles or more from the school according to S.C. Department of Education guidelines.
The District Transportation Supervisor is in charge of bus routes, drivers, and school bus regulations and may be contacted at 803-755-7453.
Teachers have been instructed not to excuse any child from the classroom, without a request from the office. No child will be allowed to leave school grounds during school hours unless accompanied by a parent. It will be necessary for the person who is picking up a student to come by the office and sign him/her out with their photo ID. Please do not call ahead of time to have your child released from class. No early dismissals will be granted from 2:00-2:25. This is valuable time in the classroom that is lost for all students when interrupted. With each early dismissal, the teacher has to stop teaching to give end of the day instructions to the student leaving.
Lexington District Two has district-wide elementary/middle and high school discipline policies that are mandated. The purpose of these policies is to ensure that all students receive fair and consistent discipline when schools rules and/or state laws are violated.
Copies of this policy or a summary thereof will be transmitted at the beginning of school to parents/guardians. This policy lists a schedule of offenses (Categories I through IV), who handles them (teacher, administrator, law enforcement) and the codes for actions required to be taken (detention, suspension, expulsion).
The board believes that school safety is of paramount importance. Therefore, the board supports a ZERO TOLERANCE discipline approach aimed at creating schools that are free from the problems of dangerous weapons, and drugs or alcohol. ZERO TOLERANCE specifically carries an immediate recommendation of expulsion for any student who KNOWINGLY and WILLINGLY possesses or transfers weapons, and drugs or alcohol at school or any school-sponsored event. The terms “knowingly and willingly” shall NOT apply to students who immediately SELF-REPORT a violation to a school official and the automatic recommendation for expulsion MAY not apply. The self-reporting exception applies when a student immediately reports the possession of a contraband item to a school official upon discovery. The self-reporting exception DOES NOT apply when evidence indicates that the student knowingly and willingly possessed illegal contraband which they failed to self-report prior to school officials becoming aware of the incident.
Purpose: To establish the basic structure to provide an educational atmosphere conducive to learning. With this responsibility in mind, the board adopts this dress code, which meets the following criteria:
- Adheres to applicable legal standards
- Is applicable for all schools
- Promotes a wholesome educational atmosphere conducive to learning.
The basic responsibility for the appearance of the students of Lexington School District Two rests with the parents and the students themselves. Parents have the obligation and, within certain prescribed bounds, the right to determine their children’s dress; however, the following guidelines must be followed.
- Attire must not be destructive to school property (For example: soccer, football or baseball cleats, golf shoes, etc. must not be worn in the building);
- Dress must comply with the health and safety codes of the state of South Carolina;
- Dress must not interfere with the educational process or the rights of others;
- Shower shoes, flip flops that have a flexible sole, and bedroom shoes are prohibited from wearing at school. For health and safety purposes, any open toe shoe may be deemed unsafe for a student to wear if participating in certain activities such as recess, physical education, vocational classes, assemblies, pep rallies, outside events and other such school related activities deem by the administration.
- Headwear or hair rollers are prohibited in the building;
- Sunglasses are prohibited in the building unless they are prescribed;
- Any garment that exposes bare midriffs at any time, see-through garments, clinging and revealing material, white undergarment type t-shirts, bare backs, halter tops, low-cut blouses, and tank tops are prohibited;
- Obscene, profane language, provocative pictures, advertisement of drugs or alcohol, or racial messages or slurs on clothing or jewelry are prohibited;
- Shorts, miniskirts, and culotte-type clothing are allowed with the following restrictions: -Said garments must be no shorter than “fingertips” in length when worn within the waistline area and must be no higher than mid-thigh when seated; and
-May not be made of clinging material such as, but not limited to, biker shorts and pants, surfer pants form fitting knit material, and any type of sleep/night clothing including pajamas or night gowns;
- Pants must be worn within the waistline area at all times (no “sag and bag”). If belts are worn, they must be secured within the waistline area to the pants;
- Dog collars, chains, etc. are prohibited.
- The wearing of clothing, hair arrangements or other personal adornments or embellishments to include tattoos which are disruptive or interfere with the regular operations of school is expressly prohibited.
- The presence of any apparel, jewelry, accessory or any manner of grooming which, by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, symbol or any other attribute, which indicates or implies membership or affiliation with a gang or secret society, is prohibited.
- Heelies and wheelies (shoes with wheels) are not allowed.
School administrators will be responsible for enforcing the student dress code. A teacher who recognizes that a student’s garment violates these guidelines will refer the student to an administrator, who will judge the appropriateness of the garment. If the garment violates the dress code policy, the student will not be permitted to attend classes until the inappropriate garment is replaced.
We may delay or close school when severe weather creates hazardous road conditions. To find out if school will be delayed or closed, check district and school communications (email, phone, text, classroom pages, social media). In most cases, a decision will be made by 6:00 a.m. We also will notify traditional media, including television and newspapers.
Lexington School District Two charges the following enrollment fees per student each year.
$50 High School
$25 Middle School
$15 Elementary School
Each year the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) require that public notice be given by any school regarding the categories of directory information that can be made public about a child. Directory information refers to the type of information that tends to be available generally through various sources and is often reported in athletic programs, scholarship awards, award programs and news releases. Directory information includes: student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received and schools attended. In compliance with federal requirements, directory information is also provided to military recruiters. If you DO NOT want this type of information released, you will need to complete FERPA withholding forms. These forms are available in the school’s main office.
In addition to Family Educational Rights, all schools provide a Student Assistance Team (SAT) to address academic, health or behavior concerns as they impact the student’s ability to succeed in the school setting. Any administrator, teacher, staff, or parent may refer a student to SAT.
The teacher, for specific instructional goals, plans field trips. Field trips are considered an extension of the classroom and are used to introduce or close a unit of study. Children should not be kept home because a field trip has been scheduled. Parents must give permission for students to go on a field trip by signing a permission form for the specific trip.
Expectations for Riverbank Students
- Students should come to school every day prepared to learn.
- Students should come to school with needed school supplies and completed assignments.
- Students should come to school prepared to follow school and classroom rules.
- Students are expected to take pride in their school and keep it clean.
- Students are expected to dress appropriately for an elementary school.
- Items not related to school should be left at home.
A uniform grading policy applies to all South Carolina schools. The Lexington Two grading scale follows:
Grades 1-2 E = Excellent
G = Good
S = Satisfactory
N = Needs Improvement
U = Unsatisfactory
Grades 3-12 A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = 0-59
Articles found on the school grounds will be kept in the LOST & FOUND until properly identified by the owner or the items are donated to a local charity at the conclusion of each nine week period. To help minimize lost articles, please put your child’s name on all jackets, sweaters, coats, books, etc.
A hot breakfast and lunch is served each day. Breakfast is $1.40 per day and lunch is $2.65 per day for elementary and $2.90 for middle and high. Each student will have an account and meals may be purchased in advance. Students bringing bag lunches may purchase half-pint milk in the cafeteria. (Any beverage brought from home should be in an unbreakable container.) Balance notices for outstanding debt are sent home weekly.
The government offers financial assistance in the form of free or reduced meals to those who qualify. An application is sent home with each student.
As the cafeteria manager needs to know the number of persons to prepare food for, your child should let his/her teacher know if he will not be eating the school lunch. Also, parents are invited to occasionally eat lunch with their child. The cafeteria manager needs to be notified by 9 a.m. that day.
Meal Prices
Elementary Breakfast - $1.40 per meal
Elementary Lunch - $2.65 per meal
Middle and High School Breakfast - $1.40 per meal
Middle and High School Lunch - $2.90 per meal
Your student(s) may qualify for Free or Reduced Price meals. Reduced price is $.30 for breakfast and $.40 for lunch.
Free and Reduced meal applications are available throughout the year in all schools for families who qualify because of financial needs. After the application has been approved, your student may participate in both the Breakfast and Lunch meal programs in their respective categories. To be considered for Free and Reduced price meals,
a new application must be submitted at the beginning of each school year. Parents will be responsible for any debt incurred during the application process.
You may apply for the Free and Reduced Meals online by visiting www.paypams.com/onlineapp, select South Carolina and then Lexington School District Two or go to www.lex2.org, under Parent & Community tab, Food Service/Meal Assistance, Online Application. Please have your Student ID number available.
1) Payments are accepted any time in the school cafeteria. Checks should be made payable to the school your child attends. Please include the child(ren’s) names on the check.
2) Payments can also be made on-line through PayPams, Parent Account Management System, by visiting www.paypams.com.
PayPams is a free tool that allows you to view your child(ren)’s meal account balance, schedule automatic payments based on account balance, receive low balance email reminders and view a report of daily spending and cafeteria purchases. If you choose to make a payment online, there will be a charge of $1.95 per student payment. Please allow 1-2 school days for your payment to update the account balance at the school.
While provisions are made for all students to participate in the District’s student food service and nutrition program through full payment, reduced payment and free meals, from time to time alternatives must be used to ensure that ALL students have an opportunity to participate in the food service program every day. Schools are not required to serve students who are eligible to receive reduced price or full price meals when they do not have money to pay.
We understand that on occasion a student may forget to bring payment. Therefore we will make provisions for these occasions consistent with the procedures below.
Balance notifications will be sent home weekly, with interims and report cards. When your child’s account balance reaches a negative balance of $15.00 parents will be contacted through a letter or phone message notifying the parent that when the child’s meal account reaches a negative balance of $25.00, an alternate meal will be provided to the student. The alternate meal will consist of a sandwich, fruit or vegetable and milk. Full paying student accounts will be charged $2.65 in elementary school and $2.90 in middle school and reduced student accounts will be charged $.40 for the receipt of the alternate meal. Students who have been placed on the alternate meal plan will not be allowed to purchase additional items or snacks in the cafeteria until their debt is settled. If a student’s charges are excessive, the South Carolina Department of Social Service may be contacted in relation to potential student neglect.
Please note that all charges accumulated are carried to the next school year as long as the student is enrolled in Lexington County School District Two. If your child currently has a negative balance of $25.00 or more they will be served an alternate meal.
The media center is an integral part of the educational program. Students will learn to locate and use books as well as technology resources, check out materials, research, and participate in storytelling, motivational reading programs, and other special events.
Students may check out books for up to two weeks and may be renewed. Students are encouraged to return or exchange materials before the due date if they are finished. There are no overdue fines; however, lost materials must be paid for. Parents are a vital part of our program and are welcome as library users and volunteers. We encourage parents to read with their children, participate in the motivational reading programs, and volunteer to help with the many media center activities including book fairs and other special events.
When children come to school late they lose valuable time, interrupt the classroom, and miss important explanations of the work to be done. Children who are late must report to the school office in order to be marked present and to correct the lunch count. Parents are asked to walk their child into the school office and sign them in when they arrive after the 7:25 a.m. bell. Students who are tardy five times will need to come in for an attendance meeting. Please send an excuse for any tardies due to an illness.
Students are responsible for all textbooks issued to them during the school year. All lost or damaged books must be paid for. All monies collected are recorded by the school bookkeeper and paid to the proper fund for replacement purposes. If a lost book is found, money will be refunded. If a textbook is damaged and cannot be used again, a full replacement fee will be charged. Textbooks are tracked through a barcode on each book. Students are responsible for paying for barcodes that have been lost or damaged.
We hereby notify parents that when a student transfers from a school in the district to a school outside the district, the school will send a copy of a transcript of the student’s records. Upon receipt of the request, special education records will be released from the District Education Center to the receiving school district without parental consent.
Visitors to Riverbank are required to enter the building through the school office and sign in as a visitor. Visitors are required to wear a visitor’s badge during their stay. Identification will be requested. Visits to observe in the classroom should be limited to 10-15 minutes and may be unannounced. Read our Board Policy on Visitors by clicking here; other specifics on visitors are shared in the district's administrative rule, which can be found here.